我们为你带来了加州的不同之处, a Resource Package for Out-of-State Employers. Learn about the hiring practices, wage & 工时问题,休假法,以及所有加州雇主必须遵守的强制性培训.
Unique Employment 和 Labor Laws for California Employees
许多雇主位于其他州,但他们的雇员在加州工作. 加州的法律要求优于其他州的法律和, 在某些情况下, supersede federal laws. 加州的法规由六个不同的州监管机构执行. 相比之下,其他州通常只受制于两三个州. If you have California employees, get the HR assistance you need from CEA!
有关哪些法律可能影响您的更多信息,请查看以下图表 Employment Laws 和 Companies They Affect.
New to the State of California? We've got you covered with our E.A.S.E. 纳入加州外州雇主资源包.
As opposed to the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, effective 1月. 1, 2023, California’s minimum wage is $15.50 per hour (increasing to $16.00 /小时. 1, 2024). 这些最低工资也影响到行政人员必须支付的最低工资, 行政, 并对专业员工予以豁免,避免出现误分类问题. 2023年, the minimum salary is $64,480美元(两倍于州最低工资乘以2080小时),并将增加到66美元,1月560日. 1, 2024.
Throughout the state, 有许多城市工资和生活工资取代了加州的州最低工资法. 参见“最低工资公司. 当地的 & PSL” Fact Sheet, which is also available under 人力资源形式, Category: Scheduling, Pay.
工资 Theft Protection Act—Required Notice
Employers are required to inform each employee of their rights by providing specific information in writing to employees upon hire 和 to other employees upon request. 劳工专员制定了一份表格,雇主可以选择使用该表格来遵守这些规定.
California Labor Code section 2810.第5条要求雇主向新雇佣的非豁免雇员发出通知,披露工资水平, 常规的发薪日, employer name 和 address, 以及适用于该员工的带薪病假信息. 雇主还必须在7天内通知员工这些信息的任何变化. 虽然雇主不需要使用劳工处处长提供的表格, 强烈建议您使用由劳工专员准备的表格 在其网站上 in multiple languages.
Timely Payment of 工资s, Including Final Pay
Timely wage payment rules are very strict in California. For each late paycheck, California’s Labor Code allows the recovery of up to $200, plus 25% of the amount unlawfully withheld, 每个员工的, per payroll period.
非自愿解雇(解雇或解雇)的雇员必须获得全部未付工资, including accrued but unused vacation or paid time off, at their time of discharge. This rule applies to almost all employees, 包括那些在完成特定工作任务后被释放的人, even if the assignment is as short as one day, as well as remote employees.
Employees who voluntarily end their employment must receive their final paycheck on their last day of employment if they gave at least 72 hours of notice. If an employee walks off the job, the employer has 72 hours (clock hours regardless of whether your business is open for operation) to make the final paycheck available to the employee.
Failure to meet these payment rules can result in a penalty of up to 30 days of pay at the employee’s regular daily rate if the employee files a claim with the Labor Commissioner.
With each paycheck, an employee must receive or be provided no-cost access to, 包含11个单独项目的书面分项报表(工资存根或其他书面文件), 如:
雇主还必须在工资单上显示员工有多少天的强制性带薪病假, or on a document issued the same day as the paycheck. 如果雇主提供无限制带薪病假或无限制带薪休假, 雇主可以在支付工资当天提供给雇员的工资单或其他文件上注明“无限”.
未能在每份薪水单上填写所有必需信息的员工将被处以每位员工100美元的罚款, 每违反, up to a maximum of $4,每名员工000.
California law also requires employers to keep a copy of all payroll records showing the daily hours worked 和 the wages paid to its employees for at least three years, 在工作地点或在加州的中心位置. 不允许现任或前任员工查看工资记录,每次违规将被罚款750美元.
工资 Deductions
其他州的雇主通常扣减工资在加州通常是非法的. 非法扣款的例子包括:制服, lost safety equipment, 因员工单纯过失造成的物资破损等业务损失. Penalties for employers are up to $200, plus 25% of the amount unlawfully withheld, 每个员工的, per payroll period.
Meal 和 Rest Periods
California has employee-friendly break 和 lunch requirements for all nonexempt employees not heard of in other states 和 not required by federal law.
在加利福尼亚,休息和午餐的时间和持续时间是非常具体的. If they are not provided as required, employers must self-impose a penalty, payable to the employee, equal to one hour of the employee's regular rate of pay. 这些罚款被视为工资,雇员可以在长达四年的时间内追回罚款. 如雇主未能在违反规定期间的发薪日支付罚款, 员工可能会要求额外的罚款,包括每个“欠薪日”的违约金.”
Independent Contractors
Properly classifying a worker as an employee or an independent contractor is an important task—failure to properly classify can lead to liability for missed meal 和 rest periods, overtime 和 other wage 和 hour claims 和 penalties. California has moved away from the “Right to Control” test most commonly used to determine if someone is an employee or an independent contractor, 哪一个关注的是雇佣实体控制工作如何执行的能力.
而不是, 加州最高法院和州立法机构已经发现一个雇佣实体, 为了证明独立承包人不是雇员, 必须确定ABC测试中体现的三个因素中的每一个,即, that the worker:
This is a tough st和ard, 和 many California employers will need to take a look at any independent contractors they currently use to see if they meet the ABC test—especially take a close look at factor “B.“这条规则也有例外和法律挑战, 所以在雇佣独立承包商时要谨慎行事.
Alternative Workweek Scheduling
在加州, employers may create Alternative Work Weeks which allow their employees to work a daily schedule in excess of an eight-hour workday 和 avoid overtime penalties. 然而,实施另一种工作周时间表需要严格遵守国家指导方针. Among other things, 受替代工作周安排影响的单位必须有三分之二的成员通过无记名投票. Failure to follow the correct procedures when adopting an alternative workweek can invalidate the alternative workweek schedule 和 result in penalties of up to four years of unpaid overtime pay, interest penalties, 和 attorney fees.
Overtime Pay Rates
与其他州相比,加州的小时加班法对员工要友好得多. 没有正确支付加班费可能会给雇主带来巨额罚款.
California employees are entitled to time-和-a-half (1.(5倍于正常工资),在一个工作日工作8小时或一个工作周工作超过40小时, 工作日工作12小时后加班费加倍. 除了, 加州对每周连续工作第7天的员工有第7天加班费. Many of these “employee-friendly” overtime laws contrast with those in other states 和 federal laws that only require overtime to be paid after 40 hours have been worked in a workweek.
Misclassification of Employees
Incorrectly classifying an employee as “exempt” from overtime 和 meal 和 rest break requirements can result in up to four years of back pay, plus interest 和 penalties.
When analyzing overtime exemptions, 联邦法律和大多数州法律关注工作的任务,并询问“主要”职责是否具有豁免性质. 相反,加州使用两项主要测试来确定某人是否是豁免雇员. First employers must ensure the employee spends more than 50% of his or her time performing “exempt” duties which must include a significant amount of independent judgment. 第二个, 他们必须进行工资测试,以确保员工的收入至少是国家最低工资的两倍.
Out of State Employees Working in California
Since a 2011 court decision, employees based outside of California who work in California for full days or weeks must be paid overtime based on California legal requirements while they are working in California. 最近的一些决定进一步明确了州外工人的这些规定, 所以一定要知道在加州临时工作的州外员工有什么规定.
工资s for Employees in the Computer Industry
到2023年,计算机软件员工的年薪必须至少为53美元.80 per hour (up from $50 in 2022), or $9338.78 per month (up from $8,679.16 in 2022), or $112,065.20 per year (up from $104,149.81 in 2022) to be exempt from California’s overtime laws. 该工资每年根据消费者价格指数进行调整.
工资s for Physicians 和 Surgeons
加州每年都会调整有执照的医生和外科医生的加班费豁免“工资测试”. 2023年,获得免税资格的执业医师和外科医生的最低时薪为97美元.99 (an increase from $91.07 in 2022).
Employers who believe their employees may qualify for any of the exemption categories need to review the requirements on the exemption worksheets to ensure employees meet both the duties 和 the salary test.
Leave of Absence Laws
而大多数州都要求员工休假两到三次, 加州雇主必须为员工提供超过20天的休假. Some unique examples of California Leave Laws include:
California Healthy Families Act—Paid Sick Leave Law
所有的雇主, both public 和 private, 是否须为所有雇员提供带薪病假, with a few exceptions. 几个城市也制定了自己的带薪病假要求,超出了国家规定的计划. This comes with many compliance issues including:
• Carryover 和 accrual requirements
• Posting requirements
• Record-keeping requirements
Crime Victims Leave—Required Notice
Employers are required to inform each employee of their rights by providing specific information in a notice prepared by the Labor Commissioner, 可以在 英语 和 西班牙语新员工一经录用,其他员工一经要求也可提供.
当涉及到挣得的和累积的假期时,加州不允许“使用它或失去它”的政策. 雇主可以制定合理的“上限”或“套现”政策. 假期 pay is considered “wages” under California law; therefore, 当雇佣关系结束时,所有累计无薪天数必须支付给雇员. 如果最终工资不包括所有的休假时间,可能会导致长达30天的等待时间罚款.”
Harassment Prevention Training
有5名或以上雇员的雇主,必须提供1小时的工作时间 harassment prevention training 对所有员工进行培训,每两年对所有主管进行两小时的防止骚扰培训. 主管的定义很宽泛,包括任何有权指导他人工作的人.
If you hire temporary or seasonal employees, 临时员工的培训必须在聘用后30天或100小时内完成, whichever comes first. 临时机构聘用的临时工必须经过临时机构的培训, 而不是客户.
在招聘过程中,加州也对雇主施加了许多限制. 例如, 雇主在提供有条件的工作之前通常不允许询问申请人的犯罪记录. Even after a conditional offer is extended, 雇主必须遵循特定的程序,才能根据申请人的犯罪记录拒绝其职位. California law also prohibits employers from seeking salary history information or relying on that information in the hiring process.
有效的简.由2023年1月1日起,拥有15名或以上雇员的雇主必须提供“薪级表”(即.e., 在所有的招聘启事上写明该职位的时薪(雇主合理期望支付的工资范围).
根据加州宪法,加州的雇员也有一定的隐私权. 雇主也应该谨慎使用社交媒体作为招聘工具. 加州法律禁止雇主向应聘者(或雇员)索要个人电子邮件或社交媒体密码.
Manager’s Liability
Managers in the State of California can be held personally responsible for allowing harassment in the workplace to continue to occur after the harassment has been reported. 管理人员也可能对危险的工作环境负责. Any employer or manager who has actual knowledge of a concealed danger 和 fails to notify the affected employees 和 appropriate state agency can be fined or imprisoned or both.
Non-compete Agreements
加州的雇主不能阻止前雇员为竞争对手工作. 在加州,竞业禁止协议通常是无效的. 加州法院认为竞业禁止协议“违反公共政策”(违反公共利益)。. 大多数其他州会在合理的情况下执行这样的契约. 加州的雇主可以强制执行合理的保密措施, intellectual property assignment, non-solicitation 和 non-disclosure agreements.
WARN Act—Layoffs 和 Business Closures
The federal Worker Adjustment 和 Retraining Notification Act (WARN) requires companies employing a certain number of employees to provide written notice prior to any mass layoffs or plant closings to specified entities. Employers can be liable for back pay, 每天罚款500美元,最多60天, 和 liable for the cost of any medical expenses incurred by employees that would have been covered under an employee benefit plan for the period of the violation. 加州版本的WARN法案范围更广,比联邦版本影响更多的雇主.
在劳动和就业法方面,加州是一个独特的州. 除了, 整个州的许多城市和县都有自己的要求,为员工提供不同或额外的福利. Human Resource professionals in other states who are responsible for California employees can get the HR assistance they need from CEA's HR experts.